Organizations Supported:
Democracy Now, and KPFA Community Powered Radio
2017: Knowledge precedes action. To be informed and educated on ideals and realities here and abroad, is empowering as well as an act of caring and empathy. To hear a chorus of voices, not just the few that have put boxes around the aspirations of We The People. Make these part of your daily ritual...
Black Lives Matter
2017: An essential voice and community, reminding all of us that institutionalized racism and violence is still ever present. Their courage, and the power of their vision, has energized the first awakening among many who had long been silent; now please join them as they build the movement to create tangible change.
NY Times 7/’20
Bay Resistance
Dedicated grassroots coalition forming the core of Resistance in the Bay Area. Join their Social Media efforts for real-time event alerts.
aspire to create the conditions for peace, equality, justice, health and happiness: the birthrights for all people and the planet that sustains us.
We act—compelled by love, compassion, awareness of abundance, our boundless human capacity, and concern for future generations.
We reject the politics of fear, artificial scarcity, and insatiable personal gratification from some of our current leaders.
A new path is needed, not small tweaks to a system that puts people and planet constantly in cyclical crisis.
Outside the Boxes and Labels that oppress:
It is too easy to see the rise of a Trump presidency as a shock. If we put aside the party allegiances that blind us, step outside the acrimony, and truly see the past few decades (with nonpartisan, new eyes), the picture was already clear:
People and planet have been in escalating crisis while our leaders consent.
Over the past few decades, the ideology of our elected leaders has collectively failed. The macro economic picture in the US belies a working class and environment suffering tremendously, and many sectors of the economy remain in crises. "Representatives” have repeatedly ignored the will of an identified majority of the people. Such as:
Universal healthcare, raising the minimum wage, an end to war, green energy and international climate change agreements, immigration reform, gun reform, financial industry reform, tax reform, and strengthening Social Security
Our economic and political systems are double helix DNA too often coding for corruption
As the greatest wealth disparity in history ballooned, the sale of our democracy was finalized. The co-dependency between representatives and large donors, so entangled, doesn't end. It has now led to what many regard as a crisis to the very institution of democracy itself.
Source: “Capital and Ideology,” Thomas Piketty, 2019
We have been conditioned to believe there is no better alternative than the longstanding ideology we have: our education system and media keep the public discourse squarely in the box drawn by the very people disproportionately benefiting the most. We have been conditioned to fear labels on All sides (“liberal”, “socialist”, or “right-wing”) applied in order to provide cover for status-quo constraints on our thinking, aspirations and unity.
These systems have long achieved the miraculous: people disbelieve their own eyes and minds, close their own hearts, and too often blindly accept the myths and alternative realities that recirculate every election cycle.
DEC '17: Report on U.S. State of the Union by
United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights
DEC ‘19: Top-level U.N. Report on Global Issues
As a result:
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Q: As great wisdom teachers of the ages have asked: “Has turmoil been transformed into truth?”
Q: Are We, the Resistance now willing to be open to new ideas, no matter where they are labeled to be arising from?
“what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?”
Please join us…
We Are: the Resistance: What’s at Stake. NYT Review of two books by Robert Reich, and Zephyr Teachout, NYT 8/’20
“the question is no longer Democrat versus Republican or left versus right, but ‘democracy versus oligarchy.’
”Is it any wonder that many fear democracy in America may not prevail?”
Bloomberg: 8/’20