Wine Social Enterprise
Since the Pandemic began, we have been re-imagining how we can create further impact in the new environment…
Our approach will exclusively shift to provocative event-driven campaigns. Stay tuned…
Review of 2019 Highlights, VinCE Magazine (Hungary), 12/’19
Contributor K.Kielmayer, says “it was really your wine which was the highlight of 2019 and very much enjoyed the tasting”
Trademark Dispute settled, The Oregonian, 6/’19
E Cohen of Justice Grace Vineyards in Sonoma County, California, donates portions of his wine proceeds to a variety of social justice causes. A “ping” on his computer last October alerted him that someone was using his trademarked name: Solidarity. The ensuing legal battle pitted a modern-day David against the Goliaths of the Willamette Valley.
Solidarity shattered in wine dispute, Wine-Searcher, 3/’19
“A tiny Sonoma County producer of idiosyncratic natural wines… ‘The brand identity that Justice Grace has worked hard to establish is one of natural wine, social justice, Rhône blends, small production, and a boutique California winery,’ Glazer said. ‘The Oregon group, which consists of some of the largest Oregon wineries, is now redefining 'Solidarity' to evoke the Oregon wine industry. It will be very difficult for Justice Grace to reclaim its brand identity in media after the Oregon Solidarity marketing campaign.’”
US Government shutdown hits wine hard, Wine-Searcher, 1/ ‘19
“While mid-size and larger wineries can likely survive the shutdown by dipping into a backlog of older vintages, new and small wineries don't have that luxury. Take Justice Grace Vineyards, the maker of California's Solidarity Wines...”
Latest Solidarity wine is an empty bottle, JWeekly, 11/’18
“… he has a new label/art project in time for the holidays. This time, it says “We Are: Homeless” — and all of the bottles are empty. Proceeds from each $10 bottle purchased in San Francisco will be donated….”
Should Wine Labels List Ingredients?, The Vinguard, 4/'17
"Justice Grace Vineyards works primarily with organic sources, adds very little SO2 and ferments with indigenous yeast... If there is not going to be regulation by regulatory bodies, perhaps the producers should take it into their own hands.
Petite Sirah perseveres, Piedmont Post, 2/2017
The following wines represent the best Petite Sirahs now on the market... Justice Grace 10th Anniversary: This is a great wine in support of a great cause.
Handcrafted Wine with a Conscience, SF Weekly, 11/'16
JGV is equal parts business and social justice advocacy... For more than a decade, Cohen has used his wines to shine a light on social injustice and to encourage his customers to join the fight.
The Organic Epicure, J Weekly, 8/2016
Winemaker Eric Cohen... is no stranger to putting his politics on his labels.
Drinking to a Living Wage, The Vinguard, 8/2016
I won’t hide my admiration. On the wine side, his Petite Sirahs are among the few renditions ... Unlike so many other versions of this varietal, they are not huge and inky but have balance and nuance.
The Gourmez, 8/2016
Petite Sirah: The not-so-little wine
Bob Ecker, Napa Valley Register, 11/ 2015
Big, bold and powerful American red wines come in many varieties, but to my mind, petite sirahs are perhaps the best of that breed. Substantial, dark, forthright and very food-friendly, I could enjoy one every day of the week.
After sampling countless petite sirah releases for this article, I recommend... Shoe Shine Wine 2011 Tenbrink Vineyards...
"What's in your Wine?", World Veg Festival, San Francisco, 10/2015
"What's in Your Glass? A Discussion Around Natural Wines" November 11, 2014
Panel Discussion with Mauro Cirilli, North American Sommelier Association, Beverage Director Press Club; and Lauren Barnard, owner of Kampala Wines
“Once Troubled Artist Already Feels Like a Winner" - Kevin Fagan, SF Chronicle, 7/2014,
Re: Our Solidarity Wines Label Artist, Ronnie Goodman. Ronnie is a talented artist, and remarkable person. For inspiration, Please see Video about Ronnie on this site. My boy and I are grateful to have him in our life.
“Meet Sanctuary Bistro" - Alix Wall, SFoodie, 7/2014
...wines on offer, like Donkey & Goat and Shoe Shine Wine are made a few blocks away.
“California Semillion"" - Pamela Busch, The Vinguard, 6/2014
If someone asked me ten years ago what was the best aging white wine made in California...
“A Sip of Social Justice"" - Granate Sosnoff, Berkeleyside, 2/2014
While it has been somewhat under the radar for the past few decades, petite sirah has been staging a bit of a comeback in recent years with more elegant wines...
“This is Not Your Parents' Petite Sirah"" - Julia Hollister, Northern California Wine Examiner, 2/2014
Eric Cohen, winemaker and founder of Shoe Shine Wine, is trying to get some respect for a classic varietal...
“Wine Bubbles: LGBT Wine"" - Jessica Yadegaran, Bay Area Newsgroup, 1/2014
Berkeley's Justice Grace Vineyards is celebrating last year's historic fight for same-sex marriage with a series of vineyard-designated petite sirah wines with fun labels
“Wine Uncorked: Shoe Shine Wine"" - Kathleen Bershad, Fine Wine Concierge, 1/2014
Eric’s passion for the underdog, ...infuses everything from grape to label
“Three SF spots to check out"" - SF Examiner, 1/2014
Re: the terrific Wine Kitchen Wine Bar on Divisadero St, in SF
“Winemaker puts his Soul into Innovative Product" - JWeekly, 3/2013
Cohen's Shoe Shine Wine stands out from other Napa Valley microwineries...Cohen believes consumers can change things for the better.
“Match Point: Foreground and Background Flavors" - Sommelier Journal, Joyce Goldstein, 2/2013
Cohen assured me that Petite Sirah is no longer a tannic blockbuster; today’s California bottlings are approachable and balanced, with more fruit, finesse, and richness than their forebears displayed.
“Unfiltered, unfined, and downright gorgeous” - Jo Diaz, 10/2012
He’s a one-man band, trying to break into the restaurant on-premise business ... I so want him succeed ... because he just deserves it. He’s a man of passion and principles.
“Visiting Gustafson Winery” - Elaine Chukan Brown, Hawk Wakawaka Wine Reviews, 11/2012
“Petite Sirah, Stealth Grape Approaching Its Moment?” - Richard Jennings, Huffington Post,, 8/2012
The stars for me at this event, with wines I rated 91 points or higher, were ... Shoe Shine Wine ...
“Petite Sirah for the 99 Percent” - Andrea Kissack, KQED, 2/2012
Eric Cohen's vineyard designated Petite Sirah has soul -- lots of it...Whether it's about additives in wine or fighting for the working poor, Cohen's passions run deep and he doesn’t take the easy road... Cohen sources from high quality, but lesser known, vineyards and he has infused his wine making, and his marketing, with a quest for social justice... Natural wine makers are very committed to their pure style of wine making but one thing about Cohen is, as obsessed as he is about some things, he is not dogmatic. ”
Dining Around with Gene Burns, News Talk 910, KKSF, 1/2012
“On Wine: Petite Sirah Love” - Laurie Daniel, Bay Area News Group, 8/2011
Petite Sirah is a longtime denizen of Dry Creek, but it's thriving in a lot of other places, such as Suisun Valley in Solano County. That's the source of the 2006 Shoe Shine Petite Sirah ($25), a plump, lively wine with ripe berry, spice, and a note of mocha.”
“Shoe Shine Wine Sports New LGBT Labels” - Outword Magazine, 12/2011
“Petite Sirah, We Love You!” - Laura Ness,, 8/2011
Standouts include: Justice Grace Vineyards 2008 York Creek, Spring Mountain, Napa: 1% Marsanne adds pineapple and lavender to a wine laden with minerality, and Shoe Shine Wie 2006, Solano County: 0.7% Mourvedre adds wild strawberry jam to this spicy, racy, vibrant wine.”
“Is there a Durif in the House?” by D.Marc Capobianco, Sostevinobile, 7/2010
Normally, the transition from luxury of crushed velvet to the relative mundanity of a Shoe Shine might be deemed a considerable downgrade except when delectating this handcrafted NV Petite Sirah Eaglepoint Ranch from Eric Cohen's Justice Grace Vineyards. This striking 400 case debut joined another newcomer to the P.S.I Love You family...”
“Golden Times in Mendocino” - Kristian Ktelmayer, 8/2009
Shoe Shine Cabernet Sauvignon, 2007: "Liquorice, full of black fruit. It's an explosion of fruit, rich and dense, candy. Fiery, peppery black fruit and incredible ripe, high drive, full side, massive wine. 25 brix.”
Shoe Shine Petite Sirah, 2007: "Red fruit on the nose, very delicate with a subtle note of cherry and light spice. Ripe fruit, good tannins, sweet spice and ripe, some black fruit, pretty and friendly wine despite it has certain weight.”
Honoring 10 of the Bay Area’s Most Inventive Artists: We salute some of the Bay Area's most arresting artists, performers, and creators
"Under his lens, the processes of harvesting, fermentation, and bottling are turned into cosmological panoramas. Wine gurgles to the surface like volcanic bubbles about to explode. Swirls of vino turn into clouds of pinks that resemble the aurora borealis. Even grape fields are blurred and re-imagined as dreamy landscapes."
Source: Website hits data thru end ‘19
NOTE: Different labels have been introduced over time